Crew Cab Superstructures

Crew Cab Superstructures

Our crew cab superstructures, which enhance the functionality of vans and combine delivery and passenger functions, are made to order, ensuring full utilization of cargo space and customer satisfaction.

Skontaktuj się

Properly executed crew cab superstructures increase a van's transport capabilities and functionality. For many years, we have been providing crew cab conversions, offering practical systems and modern solutions for vehicles. Crew cab adaptations expand space for passenger transport and are a popular way to combine delivery and passenger functions.

Our crew cab conversions allow full utilization of the vehicle's cargo space. We always customize our projects to the client's specific needs. As a long-standing manufacturer of vehicle bodies and superstructures, we know how to execute orders to fully satisfy our clients. Our crew cab conversions vary but always aim to optimize the vehicle's space.

Contact with a specialist:

Western zone

Krystian Topiński

Regional Sales Manager
kom. 507 010

Eastern zone

Robert Kamiński

Regional Sales Manager
kom. 508 131

Artur Dymek

Fleet and Tender Specialist
kom. 507 010